Our Services at

Ikigai Wealth

Where Purpose Meets Financial Planning

Our Services at

Ikigai Wealth

Where Purpose Meets Financial Planning

At Ikigai Wealth, we blend traditional financial planning services with our unique philosophy of ikigai – helping you find harmony between your financial goals and your life's purpose. Here's how our range of services aligns with this philosophy:

Wealth Management
– Beyond Numbers

True wealth management is managing resources in a way that enriches your life. We look at your assets and investments not just as figures on a balance sheet, but as tools to help fulfil your deepest aspirations.

Retirement Planning – RetireMINT

Imagine entering a phase of life that's as refreshing and invigorating as a new beginning. This is the vision behind RetireMINT, our unique approach to redefining retirement. At Ikigai Wealth, we see retirement not as the end of the road, but as the start of a fresh, exciting journey.

Investment Advice – Aligning
with Your Values

Our investment advice is tailored to resonate with your personal values and core drivers. We help you choose investments that not only grow your wealth but also align with what matters most to you.

Superannuation Advice – Investing in Your Future Self

Superannuation is more than a retirement fund; it's a crucial tool in realising your future self. We provide advice that ensures your superannuation choices reflect your future life aspirations, balancing the present and future you.

Budgeting – Aligning Your Spending with Your Ikigai

Budgeting is more than managing expenses; it's about aligning your spending with your life's purpose. We help you create a budget that supports your goals and reflects your personal values, ensuring financial discipline is a step towards fulfilling your ikigai.

Goal Planning – Your Dreams, Our Blueprint

Our goal planning services are tailored to help you realise your dreams. We work with you to set and achieve goals that reflect your true aspirations, ensuring every financial decision moves you closer to your life's purpose.

Personal Cash Flow Projection & Scenario Planning – Mapping Your Journey

Understanding your cash flow is key to realising your life plans. We provide thorough cash flow analysis to help you understand how your spending and saving today impact your ability to live your desired future.

Risk Advice & Personal Insurance – Protecting Your Dream

We offer risk advice and personal insurance solutions that protect not just your assets but your dreams and life plans. Our approach ensures you’re safeguarded against life’s uncertainties, keeping your ikigai intact.

Wealth Mindset Coaching

Ever wonder why some people seem to effortlessly attract Wealth & Success? It's not about how hard they work; it's about how their minds work...  Mindset coaching is the key to opening the door to all the Wealth & Success you desire.

Life Planning – The Heart of Ikigai

Life planning is at the core of our philosophy. We go beyond financial objectives to help you articulate and pursue your broader life goals, ensuring your financial strategy supports these ambitions.

Delving Deep into Your 'Why'

Our financial planning isn't just about securing your financial future; it's about understanding and aligning your finances with your life's mission. We create plans that not only look at where you want to go but also why you want to get there.


Meeting Your Money Goal

Vision & Values

In the Foundations meeting, we dive into the core of who you are. By exploring your personal values, life drivers, and aspirations, we gain invaluable insights into what truly matters to you. We help you define a clear vision for the future – a vision that will serve as the compass guiding our financial strategy. Together, we set objectives and goals that your customised financial plan will aim to accomplish.

Potential Pathways

In the Strategic Pathways meeting (occasionally this is done over 2 meetings), we navigate the vast array of options available to you. By considering your long-term income, expenses, and cash flow, we determine the most appropriate financial arrangements to empower you on your journey. We meticulously design a framework that optimises your finances, ensuring every decision supports your goals. From cash flow management to retirement planning, from investments to risk management strategies, we leave no stone unturned.

The Roadmap

In our final meeting, we present your personalised Financial Roadmap-a comprehensive strategy document that illuminates the path to your financial goals. This step-by-step guide brings clarity and confidence, empowering you to take control of your financial future. Within its pages, you’ll find recommendations tailored to your unique circumstances. We provide expert advice on cash flow and budgeting. We guide you on how to invest wisely, both inside and outside of superannuation and manage risk effectively. We demystify tax management and help you safeguard your legacy through comprehensive estate planning.